Training Programme

Our children programs are flourishing throughout. Our training method...

Corporate Training

Two times Asia Champion Sensei Sachin Pawar and the first....

Student Training

Our Students Training program is noted for its No Nonsense!....


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World Shotokan Karate Do Federation India was formed under Sensei Sattrajit Chaudhury in the year 1997 with one aim in mind to create consolidated movement for popularizing the ture form of Shotokan Karate in India. W.S.K.F.I. Nashik brings the Martial Art of Karate in reach of everyone, regardless of age or fitness levels. Sensei Sachin Pawar President & Chief Instructor Nashik, believes that every individual can learn and benefit from Karate training. The purpose of establishing Shotokan Karate was to teach what the true essence of karate: the training of body, mind, and spirit together in order to realize the fullness of human potential.......


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